Professional Practice
- Overview
- Developmental path of the infection preventionist
- Infection preventionist (IP) competency model
- APIC Fellows Program
- Implementation guides
- Practice resources
- Scientific guidelines
- Research
- Emergency preparedness
- International Infection Prevention Week
- MegaSurvey 2020
- Practice Guidance Committee Activities
Infection Prevention for Ambulatory Care Centers During Disasters, 2013
Created and revised by the APIC Emergency Preparedness Committee, this document provides infection prevention recommendations and resources to ambulatory care centers for the development of an emergency management plan that includes operational expansion in the event of patient surges.
Preparedness for all hazards
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emergency preparedness and response
These resources are intended to help professionals take an all-hazards approach to preparedness.
A directory developed by the Interstate Chemical Terrorism Workgroup provides users with a list of information resources offering chemical-specific data that could be used during an emergency.
CDC bioterrorism overview and resources
Quick Reference Nuclear Biological and Chemical Agent overview
Reference from the Nebraska Regional Poison Center
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) pandemic planning update VI
Former HHS Secretary Leavitt details the strategy for the next influenza pandemic in this document.
Updated Preparedness and Response Framework for Influenza Pandemics
CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that serves as recommendations for risk assessment, decision-making, and action in the United States.
National Strategy For Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan
Homeland Security Council report from May 2006 outlines actions to address the threat of pandemic influenza.
Seasonal and pandemic influenza resources for healthcare professionals
Influenza information, guidance, and checklists for healthcare professionals
Home Health Care During and Influenza Pandemic: Issues and Resources
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) document serves as a discussion piece for home healthcare agencies and others to consider during a pandemic.
Medical offices and clinics pandemic influenza checklist
The CDC checklist is designed to assist medical offices and ambulatory clinics in improving their pandemic influenza preparedness.
APIC state-of-the-art report: The role of the infection preventionist in emergency management
This 2009 American Journal of Infection Control report provides information related to the infection preventionist’s responsibilities related to emergency management.
Surge capacity
Infection prevention and control for shelters during disasters, 2007/2008
The APIC Emergency Preparedness Committee created this guide to help shelter staff and others reduce the risk of secondary disease transmission in shelters.
CDC Infection Control Guidance for Community Evacuation Centers Following Disasters
These recommendations provide basic infection control guidance to prevent exposure to or transmission of infectious diseases in temporary community evacuation centers.
Rapid environmental health assessment form for shelters during disasters.
Infection prevention in points of dispensing
This 2009 American Journal of Infection Control article assists emergency managers in developing an infection prevention program for points of dispensing.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on emergency preparedness
This report identifies four key components related to preparing for medical surge in a mass casualty event: (1) increasing hospital capacity, including beds, workforce, equipment, and supplies; (2) identifying and operating alternate care sites when hospital capacity is overwhelmed; (3) registering and credentialing volunteer medical professionals; and (4) planning for appropriate altered standards of care in order to save the most lives in a mass casualty event.
This document is designed to address the topic of converting pediatric hospitals from standard operating capacity to surge capacity in response to large numbers of children with communicable airborne and foodborne agents.
Natural disasters
Infection prevention tips for flood and hurricane season
Flood disaster response educational resources
This document provides links from the CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency on valuable information relating to infection prevention and safety during flood disasters.
Infection prevention implications of managing Haitian 2010 earthquake patients in U.S. hospitals
This document provides valuable lessons learned from the Haitian earthquake and subsequent events.
Special needs population
FEMA interim emergency management planning guide for special needs populations
This Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guide provides direction in the development of emergency operations plans for a large segment of the U.S. population who may not be able to successfully plan for, and respond to, an emergency with resources typically accessible to the general population.
Incident Command Training
National Incident Management System training
National Incident Management System training is intended for all personnel who are directly involved in emergency management and response; it is intended to aid people who don’t usually work together to seamlessly respond to and recover from natural or man-made disasters.