Patron Program Benefits

As a healthcare industry partner, you play a vital role in infection prevention. The Patron Program amplifies your individual and company impact through opportunities to to interact with infection preventionists on the local, national, and international levels. As a Patron, your company actively demonstrates commitment to APIC’s mission and vision of healthcare without infection.

APIC’s mission is to create a safer world through the prevention of infection. In order to achieve our goal, we recognize the importance of creating a venue for all stakeholders to interact and share clinical and scientific expertise. We invite you to join the Patron Program today.

Interested in becoming a Patron?

Program benefits

As a Patron, your company will be informed and in touch with the infection prevention community through the five complimentary Associate memberships. Note: Associate members are individuals who are not actively involved in the practice or management of infection prevention or epidemiology. Employees of industry partners are eligible for associate membership. Each of the members will receive:

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To join, download brochure and application here.

Questions? Contact the APIC Member Services team at