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For more information about which member category would be appropriate for you, view membership profiles here.
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Membership Categories
Full/active memberUS/Canada $205 | International $80
Active Members shall be individuals occupationally or professionally involved in the practice and management of infection control and/or the application of epidemiology. Such members may vote in elections or when a membership vote is required by Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws or requested by the Board of Directors, serve on committees, and hold elected office.
Associate memberUS/Canada $215 | International $80
Associate Members shall be individuals who are not actively involved in the practice and management of infection control and/or the application of epidemiology. Associate Members may not vote, hold elected office or serve on committees.
Student memberUS/Canada $80 | International $80
Individuals enrolled full-time in an accredited institution, prior to the award of an associates or bachelors degree. Student members may not vote or hold office, but may serve on committees. For more information or to apply for student membership, please call our member services team at 1-800-650-9570, option 1.
Retired memberUS/Canada $80 | International $80
Retired Members shall be individuals who are no longer employed in any capacity and who have had five (5) consecutive years of Active or Associate APIC membership prior to retirement. Retired Members may not vote or holdelected office, however, they may serve in appointed capacities. For more information or to apply for retired membership, please call our member services team at 1-800-650-9570, option 1.