The 2000s

Timeline: 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s

APIC 2002 President Georgia Dash leads the way into the Exhibit Hall at the Annual Conference.


  • APIC celebrates 30th anniversary.
  • The first APIC/CDC/SHEA Patient Safety Symposium was held.
  • APIC/CBIC were represented on The Joint Commission Infection Control Advisory Panel.
  • APIC produced new e-learning modules, toolkits/handbooks and a revised APIC Text.


  • APIC membership: 10,000+


  • APIC-sponsored Consensus Conference on Realizing the Benefits of Public Reporting.
  • “Publication of Guidance on public reporting of healthcare-associated infections: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Committee” published in AJIC.
  • Concept of “Targeting Zero HAIs” introduced


  • APIC Vision 2012 strategic plan was introduced.


  • APIC’s first major research study was published: the Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevalence study. Infection preventionists at more than 1,200 U.S. hospitals provided prevalence data, demonstrating that healthcare-associated rates of MRSA were much higher than previously reported.
  • The Joint Public Policy Committee (APIC, SHEA, CDC, CSTE) create “Essentials of Public Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Tool Kit.”



  • APIC rebranded its position in the field with the new tagline, “Spreading Knowledge. Preventing Infection.”
  • The term “infection preventionist” is introduced to describe the work of infection control professionals and better articulate the expanding roles of APIC members.
  • APIC Consulting Services established.



  • APIC membership: 13,000+