- About APIC
- Vision and mission
- History
- Leadership
- Awards
- Heroes of Infection Prevention Award
- APIC 2020 Heroes Northside Hospital – Gwinnett Medical Center
- APIC 2020 Heroes Regions Hospital
- Heroes of Infection Prevention 2019
- APIC 2020 Heroes Kelly West and Craig Gilliam
- APIC 2020 Heroes Westchester Medical Center IPC Team
- APIC 2020 Heroes Brenda Ehlert
- APIC 2020 Heroes Emory University Hospital Midtown
- Distinguished Awards
- Chapter Awards
- Research Awards
- Scholarships
- Award Recipients 2019
- Heroes of Infection Prevention Award
- Volunteering
- Committees
- Chapters
- Panels
- Bylaws
- Work at APIC
- Contact us
- Committees
- Membership Sections
- For Media
APIC welcomes you to become involved in a leadership capacity. If you are interested in participating in an APIC committee, please complete the online volunteer application. (You will log in using your APIC.org credentials.)
Volunteer applications are accepted year-round. To be considered as a 2020 volunteer, your completed application is due October 4, 2019. Learn more
If you have questions about volunteer opportunities, contact volunteer@apic.org.
2020 Committee Chairs
Back row (L to R): Monica Pogorzelska-Maziarz, Sarah Smathers, Teri Hulett, Angela Vassallo, Heather Bernard, Kay Sams. Front row: DeAnn Richards, Valerie Sparks, Peggy Thompson, Kathleen McMullen
Annual Conference Committee
The Annual Conference Committee plans and presents the annual conference educational program. This includes but is not limited to:
- Reviewing all speaker and abstract/poster submissions to ensure topics and content are relevant and timely
- Recommend keynote speakers to ensure relevance to IPs
- Ensuring APIC’s mission and vision are reflected in the conference program
- Keeping the annual conference program relevant and engaging
- Identifies gaps in content and recommends speakers
Composition: Committee is comprised of up to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members.
Term: Varies depending on role. 1-3 years
- Attend the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Attend the following face-to face meetings:
- Spring Kick-Off Meeting
- Fall Abstract Review Meeting
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in 1-3 hours/bi-weekly
- Provide timely feedback to staff on current and future content/programs
- Volunteer for additional projects when committee assistance is requested
- Abide by APIC’s Code of conduct
- Utilize selected technology platforms for project and committee management such as Smartsheets, Microsoft Teams, and the Annual Conference Committee online community in MyAPIC
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists with a minimum of 3 years’ experience, hold CIC designation, and represent various healthcare settings.
Staff Liaisons: Letty Kluttz; Elreatha Woodard
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee steers APIC’s messaging to consumers, members, and other healthcare professionals. . Examples of past projects include:
- Development of monthly IPC updates on topics of interest to IPs, patients, and other healthcare professionals
- Development of infographics to help communicate important IPC concepts to patients and healthcare workers, such as the Do’s and Don’ts series and Protect Your Patients series for HCP and the Infection Prevention and You series for patients and families
- Plan theme and materials for annual observance of International Infection Prevention Week
- Participation in media interviews with trade and consumer reporters on infection prevention topics, as your schedule and your institution/employer will permit
Composition: Committee is comprised of 9 to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members.
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in 3 hours/month
- Provide timely feedback to staff on current and future content/programs
- Volunteer for additional projects when committee assistance is requested
- Utilize selected technology platforms for project and committee management such as Smartsheets, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists with varying ranges of experience who hold CIC designation and practice in various healthcare settings.
Staff Liaison: Liz Garman
Education Committee
The Education Committee plans, develops, and implements educational courses both online and in-person that address identified educational needs related to infection prevention and control. This includes but is not limited to:
- Course conceptualization and development
- Course revisions
- Webinar topics/speakers
- Training resource development (e.g. Novice Roadmap)
Composition: Committee is comprised of 10 to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members and currently certified with the CIC credential.
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in project work 1-2 hours/week
- Provide timely feedback to staff on current and future educational content/programs
- Volunteer for additional projects when committee assistance is requested
- Utilize selected technology platforms for project and committee management such as Smartsheets, Microsoft Teams, and the Education Committee online community in MyAPIC
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists from various healthcare settings who have a minimum of 3 years’ experience. Individuals with experience, or interest, in developing education and training programs are desired.
Staff Liaison: John Donaldson
Member Services Committee
The Member Services Committee is charged with adding value to APIC membership and the member experience. Examples of current projects include:
- Developing resources for chapter leaders and serving as regional liaisons
- Assisting with chapter events during the Annual Conference
- Writing articles for Chapter Leader News
- Welcoming new members and contacting members who are due to renew
- Assisting with marketing campaigns to help grow APIC membership
Composition: Committee is comprised of 10 to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members.
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Possible travel to APIC Headquarters for a face-to-face meeting
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in project work 3-5 hours/month
- Provide timely feedback to staff on current and future membership initiatives
- Volunteer for additional projects when committee assistance is requested
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists with a minimum of 3 years’ experience, hold CIC designation from various healthcare settings. Individuals should have previous volunteer experience with the local chapter(s).
Staff Liaison: Sara Miller
Nominating and Awards Committee
The Nominating and Awards Committee is charged with the identification and solicitation of potential candidates for APIC and CBIC Office, development of a slate of candidates for the annual elections, oversight of the elections process and management of the APIC Awards program.
Members of this committee are elected, and thus does not follow the same recruitment process.
Practice Guidance Committee
The Practice Guidance Committee (PGC) compiles, assesses, develops and influences guidelines and standards related to the practice of infection prevention and control. This committee provides a means within APIC to guide and inform the membership on practice issues and recommends official positions on standards, guidelines and other pertinent documents affecting the practice of infection prevention and control.
Composition: Committee is comprised of 10 to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members.
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in 1-3 hours/week
- Contribute to reviews and comments on guidelines and standards as well as drafting comments and write articles
- Assist with member practice inquiries
- utilizing an virtual/online workspace-Basecamp
- Possible travel to 1 conference or meetings to represent APIC
- Submit liaison reports
- Serve as APIC representative liaisons to other organizations and travel to conferences as determined and designated by staff in collaboration with committee chair and vice chair.
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists with a minimum of 3 years’ experience, hold CIC designation from various healthcare settings. Ambulatory surgical centers and long term care settings are particularly desirable. Individuals with experience and expertise in review of standards, guidelines, technical writing and communication skills are needed.
Staff Liaison: Silvia Quevedo
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee is responsible for promoting the professional development of APIC members and diffusion of the APIC Competency Model. Examples of projects include:
- Development and maintenance of the APIC Fellows program with the APIC Board of Directors
- Re-design, development, and application of the APIC Competency Model
- Creation of the Proficient Practitioner Bridge self-assessment
- Support for the Competency Advancement Assistance Award (CAA) Program
Composition: Committee is comprised of 10 to 12 individuals who must be full APIC members and currently certified with the CIC credential.
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June
- Participate in monthly conference calls
- Engage in project work 1-2 hours/week
- Provide timely feedback to staff on current and future content/programs
- Develop professional practice resources in line with the Competency Model
- Program oversight of the APIC Fellows program
- Mentor awardees of the Competency Advancement Assistance Award (CAA) Program
- Volunteer for additional projects when committee assistance is requested
- Utilize selected technology platforms for project and committee management such as Smartsheets, Microsoft Teams, and the Education Committee online community in MyAPIC
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists from various healthcare settings with a minimum of 7 years’ experience and a strong interest in helping guide the professional development of IPs at all career stages.
Staff Liaison: John Donaldson
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee monitors and prepares input into legislative and regulatory issues affecting the practice of infection prevention and control and develops a comprehensive public policy agenda for the organization.
- Members meet in person twice a year (Annual Conference and in Washington DC) and participate in monthly conference calls.
- Approximately 20 hours per month on committee activities, but the time commitment may exceed the average when an urgent need exists to prepare testimony, comments on regulatory or legislative initiatives, or talking points.
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Solid writing skills and willingness to contribute to written communications to legislators and regulators is required. Experience as a Chapter Legislative Representative or Chapter President is desirable, but not required.
Staff Liaison: Lisa Tomlinson; Nancy Hailpern
Research Committee
The Research Committee (RC) coordinates initiatives focused on practical solutions, grounded in science, that can be implemented across the spectrum of healthcare settings. The aim of the APIC Research Committee is to make implementation science a meaningful and essential tool used by all infection preventionists.
Composition: Committee is comprised of 7 to 10 individuals who must be full APIC members with a Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC).
Term: 3 years
- Attend one face-to face meeting at the APIC Annual Conference in June.
- Participate in monthly conference calls.
- Engage in 1-3 hours/week.
- Write, review, and comment on research papers for publication.
- Contribute to reviews and comments on article critiques through the RC Journal Club. This subdivision of the RC produces three critiques annually, aiming to direct and support readers regarding how to evaluate the relevance and implications of a study for implementation in their own setting. Published in American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC).
- Actively participate in long-term and individual committee projects.
- Disseminate surveys for better implementation science data.
- Utilizing an online workspace – MS Teams.
- Submit liaison reports.
- Assist with MegaSurvey development, testing, and dissemination.
- Select various awards and scholarships.
- Work with the Practice Guidance Committee on Implementation Guides.
- Occasionally present at a session at APIC’s Annual Conference.
Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences: Infection preventionists with a minimum 3 years of experience and holds CIC designation. Individuals with experience and expertise in research, implementation science, guidelines, technical writing and communication skills are needed. Applicants with strong publication records and clinical expertise and insight into member needs are desirable.
Staff Liaison: Colin Richardson