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- Share your expertise on specific infection prevention-related topics.
- Help healthcare companies better develop infection prevention products and services.
- Be compensated by an honorarium.
APIC membership connects you with the largest network of infection preventionists and education to help you create and manage effective infection prevention programs.
New! Exclusive Member Savings
APIC members now have access to exclusive savings from national and international retailers. These discounts are only available to current members.
Discounts include:
- Car rentals
- Printing and shipping
- Office supplies
- Entertainment (Broadway shows, theme parks, movies, concerts, magazines, and more)
These savings can be used at work or at home, for personal or professional reasons. Log in and start taking advantage of your exclusive member savings!
Network: Connect with Colleagues
In-Person: Local APIC Chapters
Join one of APIC’s 115+ chapters to build a strong local support network. Find a chapter in your area.
Online: MyAPIC
MyAPIC is the premier online community for infection preventionists. Features include:
- My Profile—built for social interaction and customizable by member preference.
- Member directory with listing of colleagues by areas of interest and background.
- Discussion forums, with discussions conveniently delivered to your email.
- Searchable document libraries for sharing useful resources within community groups.
Plus, join a specialty section to share tips and best practices with peers in similar practice settings. Join one section or all ten—and take your practice to the next level.
Advance: Find Career Development Resources
CIC® Certification
Earning your Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC®) increases your professional credibility and demonstrates your commitment to improved patient safety. Learn more about APIC resources to help you prepare for the CIC exam.
Career Center
APIC’s enhanced Career Center facilitates employment connections between infection prevention professionals and organizations worldwide.
Lead: Explore Leadership Opportunities
- Serve your local chapter
- Volunteer to serve on a committee or task force
- Submit a proposal, abstract, or video for APIC’s Annual Conference
- Take action: advocate on issues affecting infection prevention
Justify APIC Membership
As you strive to meet the challenges and opportunities in IPC, get the support you need. Let your employer know about the opportunity to stay up to date and receive the newest information from experts in the field—with APIC membership.