The 2020-2021 CAA Program application period will open in June. Contact with any questions.
Institutional support for certification has been reduced or, in some cases, eliminated. To help infection preventionists better manage the costs associated with obtaining the CIC® credential, APIC offers the Competency Advancement Assistance Program (CAA) to support this critical component of professional development for those who may not be able to afford it.
The Competency Advancement Assistance Program is fully supported by APIC’s Strategic Partners. Because of their generous support, APIC offers the Competency Advancement Assistance Program annually.
Please review all the information below before submitting an application.
What’s included?
Assistance is provided in two categories for either initial certification or recertification:
- Exam preparation: Award recipients receive all of the designated APIC educational resources below to help prepare for the examination. (Picking a resource is completely optional.)
- APIC Text Online (one year subscription)
- APIC’s Infection Prevention Certification Review online course (one year subscription)
- APIC’s Infection Prevention Competency Review Guide, 6th edition (Digital)
- Exam fee reimbursement: APIC will reimburse testing fees to program participants who pass the CIC® examination. To receive reimbursement, you must submit a copy of your score report or official certificate within 90 days of completing the exam. Both the computer-based examination and the recertification exam (formerly called the SARE) testing methods are eligible for reimbursement.
Please note: Certification materials purchased prior to acceptance into the Competency Advancement Assistance program are not eligible for refund.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Individuals who have been members of APIC for at least one full continuous year, without any lapses or interruptions, as of July 2018 may apply. Members who do not meet this criterion can plan to apply in 2020-2021.
- APIC members who have no other financial support for certification/recertification are encouraged to apply.
- APIC members pursuing either initial certification or recertification may apply for assistance.
- Individuals must understand the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology (CBIC) eligibility criteria.
- CAA program applicants must be prepared to take the CIC® CBT examination or complete the recertification exam no later than May 1, 2021. No extensions will be granted after that date. Applicants who take the exam prior to acceptance into the program or after May 1, 2021, will be ineligible for reimbursement through the 2020-2021 Competency Advancement Assistance Program.
How do I apply?
- Download the study plan/supervisor support letter/pledge document (available here).
- Follow the instructions at the top of the first page. Note that this means creating a study plan, getting your supervisor’s signature, and signing the document yourself.
- Save the completed document to a place on your computer where you can find it. (When you are completing the online application, you will be asked to upload the completed document.)
- Complete the online application, starting June 1, 2020.
APIC must receive both your online application and the signed document by July 31 before your application will be reviewed.
Recipients will be notified by October.
If you have any questions, please email us at